ER Assignment #1 : Reading and Me

Hello Everyone !!! Welcome to my blog !!!

My name is Yohanna Amanda Putri and here I'm gonna tell you about my reading experience.

Actually, I don't really remember when I started my first reading, but I think it happened when I'm in elementary school. I forgot my first book but it might be a collection book of Indonesia folktale. I don't know the reason why my mom gives me that book but I think she wants me to know about Indonesia folktale, and for your information, she not only gives me some books of Indonesia folktale but also the movie of each folktale. Now I will tell you about my bad memory in reading, so in the past, I have a book which completed with some pictures, and one day cause I like the pictures I cut all the pictures and made the book look messy. After that, my mom got mad at me. Next, when I grew up to be a teenage I really like novels especially about teen fiction and romance, and usually, I read novels in Wattpad. My favorite place for reading was my bedroom and of course, I do reading alone there, cause when I read a book I need a quiet place to imagine the picture of what's going on in the book.
