Specific Report - Short Story

    Hi everybody!! Welcome to my follow-up post about the short film. Let's get started, enjoy...

    On 19th February 2021, I've watched a short film entitled "Locker Room" by Greta Nash. I watched it on YouTube and the channel's name is Short of the Week. Here's the link related to the film https://youtu.be/h1PjJ9_Yd2c

   It tells the story of Carla, a girl who likes to hang out with boys. One day, she discovered her male friend's group chat discuss some girl and sexual assault on a drunk girl. Carla felt uncomfortable with that, so she complained to the counselor. But then, her friendship with the boys broke up.

    I think it's a good film and I like it. It rais a story we often see in a community. And it's quite related to me, sometimes I like hanging out with the boys, it feels like they're protecting me, and it looks cool. But when they start talking about uncomfortable topics, I choose to go because it's not good in that position, so I can feel Carla's problem in that story. Anyway, for the camera shooting, it's quite shaky although the cinematography is good. And for the character's voice, I think it could be improved because it's not easy to understand the story in a low voice.

   From this film, I learn that sometimes it's better to keep silent than to tell others what I feel. But at the same way, sometimes we have to speak up for something that we feel uncomfortable with, and maybe have hurt someone else. With our words, once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten!!

    What would I do if I were the main character? 
    If I were the main character, I would have slapped the boys with my hand. But if I can't slap them, then I will run away from those boys with the laptop as evidence to be reported to the counseling teacher. And as Carla does, I'll try to be brave to speak up for something bad although I have to lose some of my friends.

    Well, I think that's all for my listening report about short films, thank you for reading and see you later🙅




  1. What happened to the boys at the end?

  2. I'm sorry, sir, but the end is not clear enough and their accent is too hard. As I got from the video, the boys were only reprimanded by their sports teacher.


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