General Report - News #1


    Hi everyone!! Welcome back to my listening report and here I still sharing news. Enjoy...

   On 18th March 2021, I've watched news entitled "Shooting spree in Atlanta leaves eight dead, at least half of them believed to be Asian women". I watched it on YouTube and the channel's name is CBS This Morning. It is presented by Mark Strassman. Here's the link

    There were mass shootings that occurred at three massage parlors on 16th March 2021, in Atlanta. Eight people were killed, six of them are Asian American, and one person was wounded. A suspect, Robert Aaron Long (21 y.o) was arrested later that day. It was linked with the current racism against Asians during this pandemic.

    I was sad and shocked when hearing this news. Attacks against Asian Americans kept growing and I think it hard to stop. It's not fair when so many people get killed through no fault of it. I can't imagine how someone could kill someone they don't know without fear of sin. It's ridiculous and out of control.

    From this news, I found some new words that are parlors (salon) and rampage (amukan)

    That is all for my first general report, thank you for reading🙅
