Specific Report - News

     Hi!! After the two general reports now I'm going to give you my specific report of news. Enjoy...

    On 13th March 2021, I've watched a news video entitled "COVID-19: France faces the challenge to persuade millions of vaccine skeptics to jab". I watched it on Sky News YouTube channel and the presenter's name is Michelle Clifford. Here's the source link to the video https://youtu.be/7FJH6gveFjo

    In France, there is evidence that millions of people reluctant to have a jab. It does not only come from the community but also from the nurses. It happened because they have had a bad experience with vaccinations back then. This makes healthcare professionals worried about public security in the long term.

    I'm a little surprised after watching this video, how can many people still don't care about their health. I think they should be happy that they will get the vaccination and live freely. But instead of receiving it, they rejected it. It also reminds me of my country, Indonesia because many people still scared and reluctant to do vaccines. So, I think more and more people must be aware of it.

    From this video, I learn a new word that is lodged (diajukan).

    And to make this report more special, I will pretend to Sarah Gilbert a vaccinologist who leads the covid vaccine at Oxford. TAP HERE for Expert Opinion

    That is all for my weekly report, thank you for reading and see you later 🙅
