Specific Report - News


    Hi peeps!! Here's my specific report about the news, enjoy reading...

    On 20th March 2021, I've watched the news entitled "Parents demand justice for daughter killed in car crash". I watched it on Good Morning America's  YouTub channel. It was presented by Zohreen Shah. Here's the link https://youtu.be/mcb-xYN8IWc

    Sunday, 14th March 2021, the grieving family renews their call for justice in the death of Monique Munoz (32 y.o). On Feb, 17th, she was killed in a crash involving a Lamborghini driven by a 17th y.o teenager in West Los Angeles. Her car was hit by a high-speed Lamborghini, but until now the teen has yet to be charged in her death.

    Personally, I'm very sad and shocked to hear this news. The teenager was very reckless and deserves jail time because he has already killed someone. This incident clearly showed injustice to those who had no money and have no power.

    From this news, I don't find any difficult or new words.

    To make this report more special, I've created three different people from three different backgrounds to give their comments about this incident.
👧 The first person is Ms. Mary Hawk, a local activist in West Lost Angeles
    "This is why people have always said the law doesn’t apply to the rich. If he was a child of an average middle-class parent, he’d already been in jail."
    👨 The second one is Mr. Lucas Moore, a parent of a high school teenager
"As a parent, I think it's not the time to give 17 y.o kid a Lamborghini. They're not adult enough to driving this kind of vehicle. It will only make them show off to other people and speeding the road."

👩 The last one is Ms. Lexi Smith, a car driver
           "I can't imagine if I were the victim, these injustices really hurt meThis should be an automatic arrest and charges pressed for whoever is responsible for her death. We really need justice for her death."
    I think that's all for my news reports, I apologize if my characters' names are the same as anyone you know. Thank you for reading and see you on the next occasions!!. 🙅
